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I signed up for Instacart Express, How can I stop it from renewing?

Get It Delivered Winter Haven Help I signed up for Instacart Express, How can I stop it from renewing?


I signed up for Instacart Express, How can I stop it from renewing?

Posted By Carol

Does that sound like you? I’m here to help.

If you are here checking out Get It Delivered Winter Haven I most likely have delivered to you and I hope you were happy with my service. You also might be subscribed to Instacart Express and are stuck in a 1 yr contract with them. You might be holding off trying my service because of this.

How often are you unhappy with the shopper that was assigned to you for that particular day? Or the service you received? How often do you wish you could have the same shopper every time you order?

Instacart never stops signing up new shoppers for the areas they serve. Nor do they provide much training. You could have an 18 yr old fresh out of High School shopping your order who has no idea how to check produce or knows to check expirations.

Instacart is also working towards a model where they will only have what they call “In Store Shoppers”, these will be direct employees of Instacart, you will never meet these people and they shop very fast. If you do not reply to their messages fast enough, if you get one at all, you will get replacements that you are very much dissatisfied with. The only person you will meet will be a driver who is being paid very little to drive your order to you. They will have had no interactions with you before they pick up your order and show up at your door.

Also when you shop with Instacart you are paying an arbitrary upcharge on every item you purchase, sales price or not. And even though you are getting “Free Delivery” Which is only saving you $3.99 – $9.99 per order. Instacart is still hitting you for a 5% Service Fee on every order, which again is a service fee on marked-up items. Not to mention that $99.00 they got from you for the year.

With Get It Delivered Winter Haven I also have a Delivery & Service Fees but I will NEVER mark-up the cost of your groceries and I will redeem ANY & ALL coupons I find that apply to your order. If I see something on sale similar to what you have ordered, I will let you know and find out if you want that instead. I will always be in communication with you while I shop so you get EXACTLY what you want and I will communicate with you anyway that is convenient for you. My shopping windows are larger so I will never be in a rush to finish your order. You will have me for the amount of time it takes to complete your order, No Matter What. I will also be here for you for every order thereafter. 

If you want to make sure your service does not renew here is what you do.

Visit https://www.instacart.com/store/account/express and change how you want your renewal to happen. There might even be a cancel service or cancel subscription button. If you just joined in the last 2 weeks and have not used the service yet, it’s not too late to cancel now!!

This is from their Terms for the Express Service
“You can cancel your Instacart Express membership at any time in Your Account Settings under the Express section. You may cancel within the first 15 calendar days of your paid Instacart Express membership and receive a refund of the Instacart Express membership fee you paid, but only if you have not placed any orders using your Instacart Express membership. If you cancel at any other time, you will not receive a refund, but you can continue to enjoy the Free Deliveries through the end of your billing period.”

I hope this has been helpful and I hope to shop for you soon. I want to offer you more and to show you how Great a Personal Shopper can be.

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Written by Carol

Carol is an Experienced Personal Shopper. When she isn't working at her full-time job during the week, she is delivering the best shopping experience possible to her customers on the weekends.


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